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Mostrando entradas de junio 24, 2009

texto matrix

abrir un nuevo documento, sea cual sea el tamaño que te gusta. Dale un capa de fondo negro. Crear una nueva capa y seleccione el tipo de herramienta. Ahora nos pondremos a trabajar en la creación de ese texto con todos los caracteres extraños. ¿Cómo lo hacemos? Bueno, podríamos pasar la mitad del día escribiendo extrañas combinaciones de teclas o llame a la ayuda de un editor de texto cada día. Desde que Estoy en un Mac es la opción obvia BBEdit. Para PC's, yo no sé, tal vez la palabra o algo de trabajo. Lo que haces es abrir un archivo gráfico no admitido por el texto editor. He encontrado la apertura de un archivo TIFF funcionado bastante bien Mira eso! Al igual que la matriz de texto, salvo horizontal y no tan brillante. Woo, ahora estamos cocinar. Seleccione un viejo fragmento de texto de algún medio y copiarlo en el portapapeles. Jefe de nuevo en Photoshop próximo. Con el tipo de instrumento seleccionado, haga clic y arrastre en todo el documento para crear texto de párrafo. ...

Light Blast Text - texto futurista

Step 1 - Setting up the Document Create a 500x500 image in photoshop and make the background Black . Using the Type Tool , type a word in White . For the sake of this tutorial, I will use Impact at Size 60pt with the text "N-sane ART" Rasterize the layer ( Layer > Rasterize > Layer ) and name it "templight" . Make sure layer "templight" is activated on the Layer Palette . Select All ( Select > All or Ctrl-A ). Cut and Paste the selection and name the new layer "Light" . This makes the text perfectly centered. Delete layer "templight" . Step 2 - Polar Coordinates Here comes the fun part! Activate layer "Light" on the Layer Palette and use the Polar Coordinates Filter ( Filter > Distort > Polar Coordinates ) and choose Polar to Rectangular This should create the distorted image you see to the left. Basically, Photoshop has just changed the image's coordinate system from a rectangular one (x,y) to a pola...

texto con sangre

Preparing the text For this tutorial, I used the non-commercial font "Corleone" that is, in fact, the font of the famous (and quite awesome) movie The Godfather . It can be downloaded on various fonts-websites. In a new document, on a new layer, add some desired text. I started with the name of the game I mentioned earlier. As for a background, you're prefectly free. I chose darkgrey, because that's what overall style the game was. Just make sure the text is white. Simply add these layer-styles/blending-options to the text: Getting the brushes And now for the tricky part. I rewrote this part, because not only is this part very hard, but also because I failed to describe it detailed enough in my previous version. Luckily, now I hope I will! Firstly, you will need to download the brushes we are going to use. If you have a good place to find nice blood-brushes, use that source. Or maybe you already have them? If not, or if you just want some awesome new ones, go to Ang...

Create a Spectacular Flaming Meteor Effect on Text

Step 1 First create a new document and fill it with a dark grey. Step 2 Create a new layer, call it "Clouds," and using the Lasso Tool (L), make a selection similar to the one I've shown below. Set your background color to a 50% grey and the foreground to a dark grey. Go to Filter > Render > Clouds and, holding the Alt key, create clouds. After that go to Images > Adjustments > Levels, and change the input levels and output levels until you make the clouds neither too dark nor too light (see the image shown). This layer will be on top of the others. Step 3 Create another layer and repeat Step 2 , but this time just change the background color from 50% gray to a blue or green color. This will create a small cloud, lighter than the big one. Step 4 Now we'll switch to Adobe Illustrator to create some text. I used Times New Roman for the font. After that go to Effect > 3D > Extrude and Bevel. Now we will create the 3D text. Rotate the object and change t...