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Light Blast Text - texto futurista

Step 1 - Setting up the Document
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Step 1Create a 500x500 image in photoshop and make the background Black.

Using the Type Tool, type a word inWhite. For the sake of this tutorial, I will use Impact at Size 60pt with the text "N-sane ART"

Rasterize the layer ( Layer > Rasterize > Layer ) and name it "templight". Make sure layer "templight" is activated on the Layer Palette.

Select All ( Select > All or Ctrl-A ).

Cut and Paste the selection and name the new layer "Light". This makes the text perfectly centered.

Delete layer "templight".

Step 2 - Polar Coordinates
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Polar CoordinatesHere comes the fun part! Activate layer"Light" on the Layer Palette and use thePolar Coordinates Filter ( Filter > Distort > Polar Coordinates ) and choose Polar to Rectangular

This should create the distorted image you see to the left. Basically, Photoshop has just changed the image's coordinate system from a rectangular one (x,y) to a polar one (angle,distance).

Step 3 - Wind
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Wind 1Use the Wind Filter ( Filter > Stylize > Wind ) and choose Wind for the method and From the right for the Direction. Press CTRL-F.

Now you need to create wind that is going the opposite direction. Do the same thing as above except this time choose the option From the Left.

Rotate your canvas to the right ( Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CW )

Wind 2Use the Wind Filter ( Filter > Stylize > Wind ) and choose Wind for the method and From the right for the Direction. Press CTRL-F.

Rotate your canvas to the left ( Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CCW ) to return your image to the proper orientation.

Step 4 - Back to Rectangular Coordinates
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Back to RectangularYou are almost done! Use the Polar Coordinates Filter ( Filter -> Distort -> Polar Coordinates ) and chooseRectangular to Polar.

Almost DoneLooks cool doesn't it? Now, Select the Text Tooland write the text you first started with. Color it a different color such as Black and move it over the white to create some contrast. You are done!

Step 5 - Color
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One extra thing you can do is to add some color to your Light Blast Text. There are many ways to do this. Our favorite way is to use overlays.

All you need to do is create a new layer above the blast layer, fill this new layer with whatever color you want, and change it's blending mode to "Overlay"

In the image below, we filled the color layer with a radial gradient that went from red to blue.



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