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3ds Max MasterClass Series Collection from Autodesk

3ds Max MasterClass Series Collection from Autodesk 

each DVD can be seperately downloaded
All Project files included 

The Package includes 9 DVD's :

* 3ds Max Master Class Series 1 - Character Rigging and Animation with Character Studio
* 3ds Max Master Class Series 2 - Advanced Character Rigging with 3ds Max
* 3ds Max Master Class Series 3 - Vehicle Rigging in 3ds Max
* 3ds Max Master Class Series 4 - Unlocking the Secrets of Lofting
* 3ds Max Master Class Series 5 - Materials All Dressed Up
* 3ds Max Master Class Series 6- Texture Mapping within 3ds Max
* 3ds Max Master Class Series 7 - Advanced Film FX with 3ds Max, Pflow and Afterburn
* 3ds Max Master Class Series 8 - Reactor Creating Dynamic Simulations
* 3ds Max Master Class Series 9 - Compositing Process In Mind

3ds max Master Class Series 1 - Character Rigging and Animation with Character Studio
Self-training course - DVD
Autodesk | Project files incl. | 634MB

The lessons in the manual teach you the fundamentals of using 3ds Max 7 and some additional topics that begin your journey to the next level. This book complements the Fundamentals Instructional Standards developed for the Discreet Certified Trainer Program. These standards were developed with industry experts from professional studios using 3ds Max in their work.The book is modular in form, and consists of the following: overview, animation, modeling, materials, lighting and rendering, and a scenario or project module. While the book is organized in a particular sequence, once you cover the overview module, you can use the remainder of the modules in any order. The manual includes exercises and lab chapters that show you how to put theory into practice. Once you complete the lessons, you are ready to apply 3ds Max to your own work.

Download Links: 4 files 

3ds max Master Class Series 2 - Advanced Character Rigging with 3ds Max
Self-training course - DVD
AutoDesk | Project files incl. | 1.08 GB

Rigging a character is an important, and challenging, part of the game and VFX workflow. Sergio Mucino, accomplished video effects and games artist discusses how to use "layered rigging" to create simple through advanced character rigs. The rig is the "user interface" to your character - it must be clear and precise to allow as much control as possible when animating the character.The session begins with technical character rigging workflow and introduces skeletal design for advanced skinning deformations. It continues with topics such as advanced controllers, wires, expressions, scripts and embedded procedural animation. It finishes with skinning and morphing of facial expressions, the use of proxy geometry, and muscle-based deformation systems.

Download Links: 5 files 

3ds max Master Class Series 3 - Vehicle Rigging in 3ds Max
Self-training course - DVD
Autodesk | All project files incl. | 1.32 GB 

Presented by Chris Harvey, of Frantic Films, this session focuses on creating a rig for a vehicle, illustrating the flexibility of 3ds max for all types of rigging.

A variety of types of vehicle rigs for games and film are shown:
* Treaded
* 4 Wheeled
* 3 Wheeled
* Multi Wheeled
* Planes

Vehicle specific topics such as suspension, automatic wheel rotation, steering, automatic interaction of mechanical parts, automatic/hand-adjustable secondary motion, are covered, to name a few. The vehicle rigs include uses of scripted controllers, expressions, custom attributes, scripted plug-ins, modeling for rigging, the use of intelligent control objects, and wiring. To cap it off, the session would not be complete without demonstrating the ease and speed with which the vehicles can be animated.

Download Links: 6 files 

3ds max Master Class Series 4 - Unlocking the Secrets of Lofting
Self-training course - DVD
Autodesk | All project files incl. | 940MB 

In this session, Ted Boardman unlocks the secrets of lofting that allow designers and artists to take advantage of one of the most powerful modeling tools in 3ds max. If you could use more flexibility in modeling and need to make frequent changes during the design process, this class is for you.

You'll learn about:
* Methods to orient shapes on a path correctly, to control the direction of the lofted model, and to apply multiple shapes on a path, avoiding twisting or distortion.
* Powerful lofting editing features that allow you more flexibility for higher productivity and important control of the density of the resulting meshes for a balance of detail and efficiency not easily achieved with other modeling methods
* Special attributes of material application and mapping uniquely inherent to lofted objects that allow patterns to bend and twist automatically with changes to the model.
* Techniques to control application of materials at the 2D shape level for greater flexibility and to size pattern accurately on the lofted objects.

Download Links: 5 files 

3ds Max Master Class Series 5 - Materials All Dressed Up
Self-training course - DVD
Autodesk | All project files incl. | 997MB 

Led by Ted Boardman, this session is designed for users who have mastered the fundamentals of 3ds max materials and maps but need to coax more from the Material Editor to create convincing images and animations. Whether you're an artist or designer, you will learn methods that will increase your productivity and the richness of your images.
Discover techniques of enhancing important specular highlights, which define hardness and surface condition-- your viewer's first critical indication of the type of material. Specular highlights are key elements of a wider tonal range.
Learn methods for using compositing in both 3ds max materials and maps to extend the range of tools available in your working palette. This enables you to build layers of surface information; each hidden or revealed by transparency of the other layers.
Extend the concepts of layering to new levels by using masking techniques in materials and maps. YouÕll learn how to use variations of the Falloff map type and Vertex Painting in 3ds max to achieve these effects.

Download Links: 5 files 

3ds max Master Class Series 6 - Texture Mapping within 3ds Max
Self-training course - DVD
Autodesk | All project files incl. | 980MB

In this session, Pia Maffei presents the workflow of preparing clusters in the Unwrap UVW Map modifier to start painting custom textures for characters, props or environments.
You will learn about the following 3ds max features:
* Vertex Paint Modifier
* Baking Vertex Colors with Radiosity
* Channel Info
* Planes

Download Links: 5 files 

3ds Max Master Class Series 7 - Advanced Film FX with 3ds Max, Pflow and Afterburn
Self-training course - DVD
Autodesk | All project files incl. | 1.03 GB

This session focuses on at least three visual effects shots which use afterburn and pflow. Presented by Allan McKay, this lesson leads you through creating visual effects shots as you would in production, starting with an animated scene and then applying the effects.
Examples include having a tornado procedurally tear apart a house, trees and other surroundings as well as pull lots of dirt, rocks and other debris into its base funnel. Another illustrates planes firing at each other showing basic level flocking behaviors while displaying ways to make two pflow sources communicate with one another. Lastly, we'll examine other "Hollywood" effects such as earthquakes.
This seminar is considered advanced and focuses primarily on finished and polished shots. Some scripting is used.

Download Links: 5 files 

3ds max Master Class Series 8 - Reactor Creating Dynamic Simulations
Self-training course - DVD
Autodesk | All project files incl. | 1000MB

This session, led by Mike McCarthy, focuses on using Reactor to create dynamic simulations. There are some things that just can't or shouldn't be key-framed-- with the power of Reactor you don't have to! By giving objects real world properties like mass, elasticity, and friction you can set up a simulation and have Reactor build the animation for you.

Download Links: 5 files 

3DS Max Master Class Series 9 - Compositing Process In Mind
Self-training course - DVD
Autodesk | All project files incl. | 1003 MB 

In this session,Gary Davis, a Certified Discreet trainer,Challenges the view that many 3D animators have that 3D renders are a finished piece . Instead, 3D render can be seen only as a starting point in a chain of applications such as compositing and editing environments.
The session begins with an extremely cursory overview of Alpha Channels. Next the concept of Render Passes is introduced, including the separation of foreground,mid ground and background. Render elements are discussed in detail along with the process of using Z-Depth render passes. Finally the session ends with the use of RPF sequences,and the powerful union that can be accomplished with 3ds max combustion.


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